Sunday, February 23, 2020

Short answer in Law question in essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Short answer in Law question in - Essay Example 47). The element of intention is very necessary and essential of any contract to be valid. For the legality of the intention to hold then it may be expressly stated either by writing or verbally or implied that is by the conduct of the parties. For the scenario of expressly stated contract then the parties include their intention to resolve their disagreement in court and important to mention the name of the court must be included. Court may also determine if the element of intention by the conducts of the parties that are consistent with the intention even if the intention was not specifically mentioned in the agreement (James & Field, 2013, p. 102). The following considerations are put in place, to determine by law courts if the parties involved in the agreement (without a clearly or specifically stated intention) implied an intention to be legally bound. First, the relationship of the parties is keenly observed, if friends or relatives or client and businessperson: second, the nature of the agreement in dispute: Thirdly, if any history of dealing between the parties exist and finally if either parties has gained benefit under the agreement (Emerson, 2009, pp. 80-91). The following are the facts involved in the dyad: Jack and Jill become close friends after working in the same company for one year. Jack has been a co-worker and has never been selling cars. Reason of offering to sell his car was because he currently having a company car. Jack wanted to sell his car at extremely fair price, reduced by half, to her friend but within a specified period (not beyond Friday) but yielded to the counter-offer of up to Sunday without any condition attached to that. Jack sold the car to Clarence on Sunday morning by more than thrice the price intended to be bought by Jill citing that the offer was too good to refuse. Finally, all this agreement is verbally

Friday, February 7, 2020

Modernism and Postmodernism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Modernism and Postmodernism - Essay Example The purpose of the essay "Modernism and Postmodernism" is to discuss postmodernism and modernism. Overcoming modernist tendencies, postmodern cult of the city replaces cosmism, values of industrial society - environmentalism, denying mindless nature and asserting the need for harmonious relations between society and nature. Thus, the ideological concept of postmodernism includes the principles of cosmism, environmentalism and post humanism in a culture of active includes sexual minorities, and the ideas of feminism. Art of modernism and postmodernism is the realization of a universal picture of the world, reflecting the human consciousness of the twentieth century, the main feature of which is the new principle of the relation of being and consciousness. Modernism is the style of art and thought in the first half of the twentieth century. Its critics understood in two ways - in the broad and narrow sense. In the first sense, it represents the totality of artistic movements, schools a nd trends of early twentieth century, expressed a departure from the cultural values of eighteenth - nineteenth centuries, and proclaimed the new attitudes and values. Fauvism, Expressionism, Cubism, Futurism, Abstractionism, Dadaism, Surrealism - this is an incomplete list of areas of artistic research in the early twentieth century. In a narrow sense, modern designates only one direction in art. â€Å"Modern† is a stylistic direction in European and American art of the late nineteenth - early twentieth century.